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The Hypnotherapy Works
​You can change your mind...


Hypnosis is a centuries old phenomena that, having been subjected to rigorous study, is now a recognised therapy for specific issues or conditions.

My approach to hypnotherapy is all about returning control and responsibility of your thoughts, feelings and behaviour back to you. As it is only you that can make the changes you want happen.

Whilst the effect and results of hypnotherapy may sometimes appear magical, it is not some mystical ability, but all about learning to use your mind in a different way for outcomes that, to the conscious mind, may seem incredible...

I look at hypnotherapy as focused subconscious thinking, where you are mentally alert and in control, your inward focus taking over and helping to make the changes you really want. Only you know what those changes are, but I will be there to help you make them.

Hypnotherapy is something you do, not something that is done to you.

A  hypnotherapist is like a satnav for the subconscious, guiding you carefully and with understanding  along the right route to the outcome you require...